Last night, we had a rip-roaring Teen Open Mic Night! Over 25 people showed up and there were great performances from old pros and new folks alike. I hope that you all can get to the next Open Mic Night which is scheduled for Monday, September 12th at 6:00PM in the Miami Room. It's tons of fun!
Thursday, August 18th, we will be hosting our monthly Get Crafty @ Your Library at 6:00PM in the Teen Room. This month, our craft will be creative candle making with wax beads and glass pots. Bring a friend and get crafty!
School is right around the corner...don't forget, the Anderson Public Library can help you find the answers you need for homework and research. While we do not offer a tutoring service, we can find books and articles that you may need for essays and research papers.
By the way, don't forget to vote for your favorite Harry Potter film! We have ballots in the Teen Room and a cauldron in which to cast your vote. The winner will be shown Saturday, August 20th at 2:00PM in the Chief Anderson Room. Snacks will be provided courtesy of the Friends of the Anderson Public Library.